FallBryn MoothComment

No 44 • Next

FallBryn MoothComment
No 44 • Next

Fall 2021 / Next

Sitting at an outdoor table at Findlay Market that Saturday morning mid-August, munching on a ridiculously good vanilla-glazed old-fashioned from Seedside Bakery and sipping a tall coffee from Dojo, it was easy to feel for a while that things were back to normal. Of course, they aren’t, not quite. Still, I’m maintaining a sense of optimism: that common sense and goodwill eventually will prevail and that the lessons we’ve learned (are still learning) will stick with us.

Which has me looking forward to fall. And what’s next.

That question—what’s next?—is proving to be a focal point for our editorial approach here at Edible Ohio Valley. We’re in our 11th year of publication, and we’ve seen a lot of momentum in local food; the movement’s wheels were further greased by our increased interest and commitment to sourcing local ingredients during the pandemic. (Will there come a time when we won’t all refer to the pandemic?) With a number of battles fought and won—more growers, more food artisans, more retail outlets, more restaurants featuring local ingredients—we turn our gaze to that question.

What’s next in local food for the Ohio Valley region?

We’ll be casting a wide net to discover who’s figuring stuff out, solving problems, finding creative approaches, making new things. Who have we written about previously that we should revisit? What challenges do we still need to overcome?

To that end, we look in this issue at a pressing issue: growing and selling local food in what’s traditionally been the off season. Hannah Purnell met up with a few farmers who are making big strides in season extension.

We invite your suggestions: Who do you know that’s making a big difference in our local food economy? Drop me a line at bryn@edibleohiovalley.com.

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